Workplace safety and long-term injury prevention through comprehensive risk mitigation in job roles.

EMP Onsite: Work Strong, Work Safe

A Job Task Analysis holds paramount importance in ensuring workplace safety and optimizing operational efficiency. EMP Onsite’s Job Task Analysis’ (JTA) are instrumental in delineating the essential aspects of your job roles, aiding in recruitment processes, guiding injury management, and fostering a workplace environment that prioritizes employee well-being and sustained productivity throughout their professional journey.

What sets EMP Onsite apart is the engagement of health professionals to conduct the Job Task Analysis. This team, comprising experts in various fields, ensures a nuanced understanding of true job risks and human factors. Their expertise enables a holistic evaluation that goes beyond traditional safety assessments.

By systematically breaking down job roles into intricate tasks, employers receive an analysis that provides a detailed understanding of the inherent requirements, potential risks, and human factors involved. It serves as a proactive measure, allowing organizations to identify and mitigate potential hazards, enhance ergonomic practices, and implement targeted modifications tailored to individual needs. This thorough examination not only contributes to the immediate safety of employees but also establishes a foundation for long-term injury prevention.

Benefits to the Workplace

Inherent Job Role Requirements

The Job Task Analysis delineates the inherent requirements of a job role, providing employers with a clear understanding of the demands and risks associated with specific tasks. This insight is crucial for creating a safe and supportive work environment.

Recruitment Needs

Understanding the intricacies of job roles aids in the recruitment process by delineating the physical and mental requirements of each position. This ensures that potential candidates are well-matched to the inherent demands of the job, contributing to a more successful and sustainable workforce.

Injury Management and Return to Work

EMP Onsite's Job Task Analysis supports injury management and return-to-work processes. By identifying specific risk factors and implementing targeted modifications, the program facilitates a smoother transition for employees returning to their roles after injury, minimizing the risk of reoccurrence.

Central to our risk and injury prevention program's success are our EMP Technologies, which serve as a cornerstone for the results we deliver. Through the integration of wearable sensor technology and scanner technology, we acquire essential data that shapes the design, administration, and control of our JTAs, delivering direct benefits for individuals and organizations alike. 

EMP Onsite leverages wearable technology as a key differentiator, allowing workers to seamlessly complete their normal day-to-day tasks while gaining insights into measurable, objective data. This innovative approach ensures a real-world assessment of job roles, providing invaluable information for targeted safety improvements.

Crucially, this technology elevates program delivery and expedites results by enabling us to track individual and group improvements, benchmark groups and individuals, and make informed adjustments to individual and group programs based on real-life data.

Job Dictionaries

A job dictionary is an integral document for any workplace. It is the culmination of a collection of job task assessments which build up to detail all task requirements for a single job role. By ensuring these documents are as accurate and detailed as possible organisations can ensure that they understand and mitigate potential job related risks which could impact an employee.

A job dictionary can be provided to a doctor or to the return to work team to assist in the streamlined transition of injured employees back into their pre-injury work roles.

Process of a Job Task Analysis


The Job Task Analysis begins with a meticulous task risk assessment, leveraging wearable sensors to monitor and analyze real-time data. The wearable technology provides real time insights to our health professionals into task-specific risks, allowing for a dynamic and accurate evaluation of potential hazards.


Based on the gathered data, EMP Onsite health professionals recommend postural and physical changes in work practices and processes, with adjustments that reduce body stress and the risk of injury or aggravation, fostering a safer and more ergonomic work environment.


This analysis goes beyond a surface-level examination, delving into the intricacies of each task to provide a nuanced understanding of potential risks and human factors involved. includes a detailed breakdown of the task's components, the identified risks, and specific recommendations for mitigating those risks.


 The analysis extends to recommendations for task modification, encompassing job rotation, frequency/repetition modifications, and strategically timed breaks and rest periods. These modifications are tailored to the individual, ensuring a holistic approach to minimizing the risk of injuries and enhancing overall employee well-being.

Need Help? 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What roles should I determine as a priority for a Job Task Analysis?

    Selecting roles for a Job Task Analysis (JTA) involves a strategic focus on positions with significant impacts on workplace safety, productivity, and employee well-being. This includes assessing the risk, reviewing historical incident data, and considering roles with complexity or specialization, such as those involving intricate tasks or specialized equipment. 

  • How long does a Job Task Analysis typically take?

    The duration varies based on the complexity of the job role and the extent of modifications required. Generally, the process is efficient and designed to minimize disruption to daily operations. 

  • Is the use of wearable technology intrusive for employees?

    No, the wearable technology is designed to be non-intrusive, allowing employees to carry out their tasks seamlessly while providing valuable data for safety assessments. 

  • How frequently should a Job Task Analysis be conducted?

    The frequency depends on the nature of the job roles and any significant changes in processes or equipment. Regular reviews, especially after modifications, are recommended to ensure ongoing safety. 

Our proven programs typically deliver a 30% reduction in Workers’ Compensation claims and premium costs in addition to improving the workplace culture and the performance of individual workers and teams.
Contact EMP Onsite today to discuss how we can assist your organisation!

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