How to Combat Job Churn

Jul 10, 2023

Understanding the Inherent Requirements of Your Roles

According to recent data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, job turnover in Australia has reached its highest level in over a decade, with more than a million people changing employers or businesses in the year leading up to February. This turnover comes at a significant cost, with an estimated $3.8 billion lost in productivity and an additional $385 million spent on avoidable recruitment expenses. As workers' compensation premiums continue to rise, employers are seeking ways to ensure the safety and engagement of their workforce. 

One effective approach is to understand the inherent requirements of each role and document them in a job dictionary. An EMP job dictionary thoroughly analyzes each job role, capturing the specific physical, behavioral, and cognitive demands associated with it. This goes beyond surface-level job requirements and provides a deeper understanding of the biopsychosocial needs inherent to each role.

By profiling the tasks required for each role, employers can more easily identify potential safety risks and hazards. This enables them to implement preventive measures that reduce the likelihood of incidents and injuries, ultimately promoting a safe work environment and minimizing lost time injuries. Job dictionaries also assist in improving hiring practices, developing accurate position descriptions, and identifying suitable duties to support the return-to-work process for injured employees.

By addressing these needs and utilizing job dictionaries, organizations can reduce employee turnover and cultivate a supportive work environment that prioritizes employee well-being, engagement, and long-term success.

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